Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - SCU Access Only


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2016.


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Nikola Djordjevic


Project Bangarang has developed a new and innovative sporting clays target system. The system, comprised of a flying projectile and a launching mechanism, will consistently launch targets that fly complex flight patterns that are harder to follow and anticipate than existing disk projectiles. These flight patterns offer a greater variety of trajectories, angles of flight, flying speed, and distance traveled than what is currently on the market. The increased difficulty and novelty is intended to attract more experienced shooters and disrupt the stagnant sporting clays industry. In addition to these criteria, and in the case that the project is successful, it will be sold in such a way as to have a positive effect on the environment. The targets will be made only from biodegradable materials, thereby encouraging consumers of the product to be environmentally conscious. We have successfully demonstrated the consistency of the launcher and have experimentally determined the aerodynamic properties of the boomerang.

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