"Proteus: Mini underwater remotely operated vehicle" by Jorge Guerra, Robert Heinevetter et al.

Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara: Santa Clara University, 2014.

First Advisor

Christopher Kitts


Marine ecosystems contain life, minerals, information, etc, that can help the planet, however, only 5% of them are explored. This is mainly because existing Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) are expensive and require a lot of workand time to use. Team Proteus designed a low cost, easy to use, portable, safe, and reliable ROV capable of being used for scientific research, while being operated and maintained by students. In this paper we explain the necessity behind this project, how it compares to similar projects and the design decisions made in developing the ROV, to include the options and trade-offs considered. We also present project budgets, the final design, and results of our field tests.
