Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2013.

First Advisor

Christopher Kitts

Second Advisor

Robert A. Marks


The goal of this project is to develop a 3U CubeSat nanosatellite bus capable of short duration technology verification experiments while providing compelling handson student education opportunities. This 3U CubeSat platform has been prototyped by the design team in order to demonstrate its capabilities. This spacecraft, the Unspecified Payload Active Attitude Control Nanosatellite (UPAACN), is designed to perform a 3-6 month technology verification experiment for a NASA test component and an SCU single-axis attitude control system (AACS) in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This project builds upon the flight heritage of SCU's Robotic Systems Laboratory (RSL) and improves its satellite development capabilities. The 3U CubeSat platform is designed to support any payload that meets basic constraints. This design can be manufactured and assembled entirely at the university level. It allows for a faster design cycle, lower project risk and cost, and the opportunity to launch university payloads.
