Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2021.


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Bachana Lomsadze

Second Advisor

Drazen Fabris


Precision near-infrared absorption spectroscopy is a highly desired scientific method, but the blooming technology has not yet come to fruition. Field deployments are limited, and some methods come with limitations that hamper the viability. The laser cavity completed for this thesis project is a single cavity Dual Comb Spectroscopy laser, which improves myriad limiting characteristics of previous lasers in this application. Crucially, it can produce two simultaneous pulse trains with unique repetition rates. The laser cavity has been designed, built, and aligned for improved stability, including vibrational, noise, and thermal control. The design, analysis, and results of a dual comb spectroscopy laser which successfully maintains two combs, 750 MHz repetition rate, with a bandwidth of 30 nm centered at 835 nm is presented.
