Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.

Degree Name

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL)


Léocadie Lushombo


Reconciliation is a relevant topic in the world and especially in Africa, which has a thirst for peace and justice, yet is plagued by ongoing crises. Many African countries have tried to build social trust for a living together. On the Church's side, Catholic Social Teaching, through Africae Munus, clearly articulates Africa's thirst for reconciliation, justice, and peace. Various African church leaders and laypeople have been engaged in the reconciliation and conflict transformation in Africa. Even though some progress has been made, people are still disappointed at the ongoing violence and social injustice in many parts of the continent. This disappointment expresses the need for holistic reconciliation. This thesis examines what it means to work for holistic reconciliation in Africa. The guiding question of this thesis is threefold: What are the root causes of the status quo of reconciliation in Africa? How does the Church articulate the idea of reconciliation? How can African Traditional religion help to build a holistic reconciliation in Africa? To answer these questions, this thesis argues that the Church should not take a neutral stance in the reconciliation processes but take the side of justice in requiring and creating structural change. African Traditional Religion (ATR) combined with CST is an alternate way of overcoming the status quo that people are experiencing in Africa. The first part unveils the reconciliation practices in Africa; the second part assesses Catholic Social Teaching, and the third part suggests ATR and some moral exemplars to overcome the status quo.

Available for download on Saturday, August 09, 2025
