Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.

Degree Name

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL)


Léocadie Lushombo


Catholic Social Teaching on integral human development and the Preferential Option for the Poor has not yet given due attention to money, wealth creation, entrepreneurship or poverty eradication. Yet all of the four are presupposed by integral human development and the Preferential Option for the Poor in a market-based world. In addressing these gaps, within the New Humanistic Synthesis framework promoted by Pope Benedict XVI, this thesis has recommended looking at entrepreneurship—the engine of money and wealth creation—as a Christian vocation. A close analysis of the Scriptures reveals that God has acted in history entrepreneurially. Therefore, since humans are created in the image of God, who commissioned them to subdue the earth, work it, and care for it (Gen.1:27–28; 2:15)and whose Wisdom renders them creative beings (Prov. 2:16; Wis. 9; Prov. 1:20–22; 8:4–5, 3), entrepreneurs are God’s sub-entrepreneurs, from the Christian point of view. Their vocation is to create good goods, good work, and good wealth and thus participate in God’s provision for his human family. Promoting this vocation and extending it to the poor through promoting financial and entrepreneurial education offers a participatory and proactive approach to poverty eradication and contributes to the increase of integral human development promoted by the Church.

Available for download on Saturday, August 09, 2025
