Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


General Engineering

First Advisor

Jessica Kuczenski


The development process involved meticulous engineering and integration of the electrical components, ensuring seamless functionality and performance. The AGS was designed to be affordable, scalable, and easily replicable, with the intention of expanding its implementation beyond the DR to other underserved communities globally. By optimizing resource management, conserving energy, and minimizing the carbon footprint, the AGS promotes environmental sustainability in food production. Overall, this senior design capstone project successfully developed a cost-effective and user-friendly Automated Greenhouse System, addressing food insecurity challenges in the DR. The project demonstrated professional excellence, fulfilled the mission of SCU's School of Engineering, and strengthened the partnership between SCU and LU. The scalable and replicable nature of the AGS opens doors for potential global impact, with the project serving as a foundation for further refinement and expansion to other regions facing food insecurity.

Included in

Engineering Commons