Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2019


Bioengineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Prashanth Asuri

Second Advisor

Shoba Krishnan


In the United States, approximately one in 4 adults have at least one chronic illness, making up approximately 84% of US Healthcare Spending. Unfortunately, 50% of patients with chronic diseases do not take their medication properly and as such spend more money trying to get better – approximately $100 billion in annual preventable costs. One solution to this issue is digital medicine as it allows for the monitoring of patient medicine consumption.

Our industry partner has developed a three-part digital medicine system with the aim of allowing patients with chronic health issues to better reach their health goals through monitoring of medication consumption. About one-third of clinical trials exhibit erroneous data, showing intermittent malfunction of the patch in the system. The focus of this senior design project is decoding these erroneous readings due to the patch and proposing possible solutions.

This senior design project took the form of a design of diagnostic experiments, culminating in a mathematical model that synthesized all of the phenomena we uncovered through experimentation.
