"Synthesizing Marketing and General Recommendations for Social Enterpri" by Katie Duffy, Isabela Ramirez et al.

Miller Center Fellowship

Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



This research was conducted in Zambia as part of the Santa Clara University Miller Center Lewis Family Fellowship. It examines areas of improvement and general working relationships that social enterprise Good Nature Agro, a seed distributor, has with its three targeted customer segments: agro-dealers, NGOs, and small-scale farmers. This study seeks to understand ways in which Good Nature Agro can increase its brand visibility and customer loyalty to increase their regional foothold by implementing marketing strategies using a mixed methods approach—including interviews, ethnographies, and quantitative surveys. Analysis of the findings reveals that despite having overwhelmingly positive working relationships with Good Nature Agro, one area that GNA can improve upon for each of its customer segments is communication. Results from this study are compiled into a supplementary deliverable for Good Nature Agro, where the findings are transformed into marketing strategies and general recommendations.



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