"The “Other” Women in Family Life: Recognizing the Significance of Aunt" by Patricia J. Sotirin and Laura L. Ellingson

The “Other” Women in Family Life: Recognizing the Significance of Aunt/Niece/Nephew Communication

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date





Aunts persist as familiar characters in personal and popular family narratives. They may be beloved or reviled, intimately close or aloof and distant, central in family networks or rarely seen outliers, related by blood or legal ties or unrelated except by friendship. These rich variations, coupled with the gendered identity of the aunt role, make the aunt/niece/nephew relationship a rich and fascinating focus for scholarly study. In this chapter, we review research related to and focusing on the aunt relationship and encourage further investigation for several reasons.

Chapter of

Widening the Family Circle: New Research on Family Communication


K. Floyd
M. Morman
