Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Utah State University Press


This is a story about drafting and revising an article manuscript for an ill-fitting “top-tier” journal while trying to protect the important student writing at the heart of the piece. In 2015, I began researching the translingual practices of multilingual students in a first-year composition (FYC) course at my Bay Area university. When I submitted the manuscript to an National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) journal, I revised the format of the manuscript for a more empirical model in line with the journal’s guidelines, and the manuscript was ultimately rejected after revision and resubmission. Even though I had envisioned this piece as addressing the decolonial potential of multilingual students performing translingual practices, I made needless revisions to sound more empirical, because I was drawn to the allure of the “top-tier” journal. This chapter is about finding my way back to the correct methodology and how generous Composition Studies journal editors helped to restore my confidence in an article that would ultimately be published and selected for the Best of the Journals of Rhetoric and Composition 2020 (Medina 2021).


Copyright © 2024 University Press of Colorado / Utah State University Press. Reprinted with permission.



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