The Engineering management and leadership degree focuses on how we work--the management of technical activities through which the manager integrates physical and human resources. Technical managers ensure that personal and organizational objectives are realized by coupling task and process in the achievement of objectives primarily in the areas of research, development, design, operations, testing, marketing, and field services. Engineering management and leadership coursework encompasses these activities and the ways in which they interface with other activities within organizations.


Submissions from 2020


Teaching first-year composition through COVID-19, Theresa Conefrey


Reflecting, Integrating, and Communicating Knowledge Through ePortfolios to Increase Civic and Scientific Literacy, Theresa Conefrey and Davida Smyth

Submissions from 2019


Building Bridges: Creating Connections by Building Our Portfolios, Candyce Reynolds, Gail Ring, Theresa Conefrey, Allie Davidson, and Heather Stuart

Submissions from 2018


Building Bridges with ePortfolios for First-Generation College Students, Theresa Conefrey


Supporting First-Generation Students’ Adjustment to College With High-Impact Practices, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 2017


LEADing the Way with ePortfolios in a First-Generation Learning Community, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 2016


Technology in the College Classroom: Crisis and Opportunity, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 2001


Sexual discrimination and women’s retention rates in science and engineering programs, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 2000


Laboratory talk and women’s retention rates in science, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 1997


Gender, culture and authority in a university Life Sciences laboratory, Theresa Conefrey

Submissions from 1996


Constructing voices in writing research: Developing participatory approaches to situated inquiry, Ann M. Blakeslee, Caroline M. Cole, and Theresa Conefrey


Evaluating qualitative inquiry in technical and scientific communication: Toward a practical and dialogic validity, Ann M. Blakeslee, Caroline M. Cole, and Theresa Conefrey


Again another solution by "Daddykins”: Socializing family roles in narrative, Theresa Conefrey