Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2017.


Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Ben Steichen


Scoring an interview is a challenge for any job seeker these days, thus having a unique and well-organized resume is crucial to grab a recruiter’s attention. Online resume builders such as ResumeNow and VisualizeMe have been created to help users build resumes; however, their templates are lacking in quantity, customizability, and in some instances, even legibility. Thus, our team set out to create an infographic online resume builder, a web application that allows its users to build, organize, and beautify their resumes to aid them in their job search. Our system allows for easy integration with their LinkedIn profiles so that their work history can be easily duplicated without typing everything out. There is also a large scope of infographic template options that users can choose from and, most importantly, users will have the ability to further customize their content and organization by using the system’s editing mode.
