Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2016.


Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Silvia Figueira


Glaucoma is a debilitating optical degeneration disease that can lead to vision loss and eventually blindness. Given its asymptomatic nature, most people with Glaucoma aren’t even aware that they have the disease. As a result, the disease is often left untreated until it is too late. Detecting the presence of Glaucoma is one of the most important steps in treating Glaucoma, but is unfortunately also the most difficult to enforce. The Mobile Glaucoma Detection application aims to reduce the growing number of individuals who are unaware that they have Glaucoma by providing a simple detection mechanism to notify users if they are at risk. The system does this by enabling its users to independently conduct Tonometry exams through the application. Tonometry examinations allow doctors to determine if the intra-ocular pressure levels in a person’s eyes put them at risk for Glaucoma. The M.G.D.A(Mobile Glaucoma Detection Application) allows users to determine their intra-ocular pressure levels from the comfort of their own home via a special contact lens paired with a smartphone application. The system also offers users the opportunity to monitor, regulate, and track their use and progress through the system.
