Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2024


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Sean Choi


The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives has created a need for educating young people of the fundamentals and capabilities of AI in an engaging and effective manner. "MeadowMinds: An AI Literacy Game" aims to address this need by creating a game that simplifies complex machine learning (ML) concepts into an accessible 3D world for middle school students. This project follows a structured, agile development approach, incorporating comprehensive user research and feedback. The objectives of this project included transforming ML concepts, such as clustering and embedding in Large Language Models (LLMs), into interactive gameplay. We utilized various technologies, including Unity for game development, Blender, Maya, and UnityProBuilder for 3D modeling, and Figma for design preparation. These technologies were essential in ensuring a robust and user-friendly experience. Internal and external testing methods were employed to refine the game's functionality and educational value.

The results of internal and external testing demonstrated that game-based learning enhances AI literacy among the target audience by providing an immersive and engaging learning experience. Key findings include improved user understanding through survey feedback as well as positive feedback on usability and educational content. Challenges such as technical constraints and data privacy regulation compliance were encountered and addressed. “MeadowMinds” successfully offers an innovative and interactive learning tool set to bridge the gaps in AI education in our current society. Future project recommendations include extensive external testing with the target audience in educational settings. Another positive addition would be adjustable levels and additional AI topics. This project underscores the potential of game-based learning in fostering AI literacy and preparing the next generation for a technologically advanced future.
