
Jeremy Mekker

Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2022.


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Silvia Figueira


Currently in the world, there are about 10 million non-profit/non-governmental organizations. In order to find these organizations, one must diligently scour the Internet for hours on end. Most research into helping refugees or those in need results in only finding larger organizations that cover many different tasks in the targeted area. This is an active problem. While larger organizations tend to help a wider audience of people, often the help that one would like to give does not get delivered as urgently as the donor would hope. In order to combat this, the primary objective would be to optimize the way that people search for organizations so that donors can find the proper organizations they want to support in minutes.

With the help of my advisors at Santa Clara University and the Frugal Innovation Hub on campus, I was able to develop a solution to this dilemma. My website serves as a search engine where visitors can find any organization they want to donate to and help those in need. The site runs off of a custom, high--performance database to ensure speed and accuracy of results. All the information on non-governmental organizations can be input by the people running the organization, of which can be updated upon by a set administrator account in order to keep their organization’s profile updated. The ultimate goal for this website is to enhance and simplify the process of finding organizations aiding humans in crisis.
