"Securely Updating IoT Using Blockchain" by Rachael Brooks

Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2020.


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Yuhong Liu


Because of the extensive growth of loT devices in the last few years, researchers have been looking for ways to reduce the amount of power they use. One cause for concern is the energy used to communicate with manufacturers when an update has to occur. Our solution to this problem is to move those communications off the device and onto a blockchain, with the owner of the device as an intermediary. The update is handled through the blockchain and is mediated by a smart contract. Overall, the owner pays for the update, the manufacturer passes the encrypted keys for the update through the contract, and the owner downloads the update from a cloud service and installs the software on the device. So far, the data flow works, but the performance on the blockchain is subpar and needs to be adjusted. This is continuing research and will be improved over time.
