Counseling Psychology | School of Education & Counseling Psychology | Santa Clara University

Counseling Psychology



Submissions from 2023


Empathic reflections by themselves are not effective: Meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis, Robert Elliott, Arthur Bohart, Dale G. Larson, Peter Muntigl, and Olga Smoliak

Submissions from 2017


Examining Self-Concealment within the Framework of Psychological Inflexibility and Mindfulness: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Investigation, Akihiko Masuda, Erin C. Tully, Chad E. Drake, Nicholas Tarantino, Alyssa M. Ames, and Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2016


Self-Concealment Scale (SCS), Dale G. Larson and Robert L. Chastain

Submissions from 2015


Self-concealment: Integrative review and working model, Dale G. Larson, Robert L. Chastain, William T. Hoyt, and Ruthie Ayzenberg

Submissions from 2014


Taking Stock: Past Contributions and Current Thinking on Death, Dying, and Grief, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2013

A person-centred approach to grief counselling, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2010


What have we learned from research on grief counselling? A response to Schut and Neimeyer, William T. Hoyt and Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2009


Grief counseling efficacy: What have we learned?, Dale G. Larson and William T. Hoyt

Submissions from 2008


A realistic approach to drawing conclusions from the scientific literature: Response to Bonanno and Lilienfeld, William T. Hoyt and Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2007


What has become of grief counseling? An evaluation of the empirical foundations of the new pessimism, Dale G. Larson and William T. Hoyt

Submissions from 2006


Effects of a program for coordinated care of advanced illness on patients, surrogates, and healthcare costs: a randomized trial, Joseph B. Engelhardt, Kimberly P. McClive-Reed, Ronald W. Toseland, Tamara L. Smith, Dale G. Larson, and Daniel R. Tobin


Becky's Legacy: More Lessons, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 2003


Roles for Psychologists in End-of-Life Care: Emerging Models of Practice, William E. Haley, Dale G. Larson, Julia Kasl-Godley, Robert A. Neimeyer, and Donna M. Kwilosz

Submissions from 2002


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Assisting with End-of-life Care and Decision Making, Stephen R. Connor, Kathleen A. Egan, Donna M. Kwilosz, Dale G. Larson, and Dona J. Reese

Tough talk: Finding the words for living with loss, Dale G. Larson


A cross-cultural investigation of social support and burnout, Ayala Malach Pines and Adital Ben-Ari

Submissions from 2000


End-of-Life Conversations: Evolving Practice and Theory, Dale G. Larson and Daniel R. Tobin

Submissions from 1998

Forward to Clinical Handbook of Health Psychology: A Practical Guide to Effective Interventions, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1997


Caring that empowers: Meeting the needs of overwhelmed clients, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1993


Secrets: Concealment and Confiding in Helping, Dale G. Larson


Self-concealment: Implications for stress and empathy in oncology care, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1991

The codependent caregiver: A dangerous myth?, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1990

Self-Concealment: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Health Implications, Dale G. Larson and Robert L. Chastain

Submissions from 1989


International work group on death, dying and bereavement checklist for international consultation in hospice care, Andrew M. Hoy, Ida M. Martinson, Marie Aakre, David W. Adam, Thelma Bates, Jeanne Q. Benoliel, Esther Gjertsen, Paul Henteleff, Dale G. Larson, Marilyn D. Marks, and Patrice M. O'connor

Submissions from 1987


Helper secrets: Internal stressors in nursing, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1986


Developing Effective Hospice Staff Support Groups: Pilot Test of an Innovative Training Program, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1985


Helper secrets: Invisible stressors in hospice work, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1982


Mental health training and the hospice community: A national survey, Charles A. Garfield, Dale G. Larson, and David Schuldberg

Submissions from 1981


Borderline Personality and the Rorschach Test, Margaret Thaler Singer and Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1980


Therapeutic Schools, Styles, and Schoolism: A National Survey, Dale G. Larson

Submissions from 1971


Individual Consistencies in Kinesthetic Figural Aftereffects, Douglas Platt, Philip S. Holzman, and Dale G. Larson