Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Sheed and Ward/Rowman & Littlefield


What role does the Church-as a communicator-play in shaping the moral imagination of society? The question itself poses further questions. What is the Church, as a communicator? How does the Church act as a communicator of morals? What should the Church do to shape morals? Briefly, I will argue that the Church functions as a moral communicator at several levels, that the Church works best as a moral communicator when the Church shapes the imagination, and that such shaping occurs when the Church is most honestly the Church at the local level.

Chapter of

Mass media and the moral imagination


P. Rossi
P. A. Soukup


Copyright © 1994 Sheed and Ward. Reprinted and reproduced by permission of Rowman & Littlefield. All rights reserved. Please contact the publisher for permission to copy, distribute or reprint

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Communication Commons



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