Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
United StatesCatholic Conference Department of Communication
I would like to discuss what has been developed over the last ten years in conferences of UCIP, (the International Union of the Catholic Press) in Communio et Progressio, and in UNESCO under the title "The Right To Communicate. I will approach this in two different ways: first of all, in a negative way by saying what this discussion reacts to and then in a positive way by reflecting on what this right is all about. Finally, I will conclude by expressing, at least in my opinion, why I think this is most appropriate for our discussions at this conference on A Vision All Can Share.
Chapter of
A vision all can share: Report of the conference at Marquette University
W. J. Thorn
Recommended Citation
Soukup, Paul A. (1985). The right to communicate. In W. J. Thorn (Ed.). A vision all can share: Report of the conference at Marquette University (pp. 70-72). New York: United States Catholic Conference Department of Communication.
Reprinted with permission.