Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Regnum Books International


In the Bible, God definitely works through human means, with all their characteristics and even with all their limitations. From the perspective of human communication, the ideas of ‘delivery systems’ or media for the Bible give only a part of the picture. The larger story describes how God’s word in the Scriptures moves from generation to generation in a variety of forms. And that story (looked at as communication) concerns information management: the discovery, preservation, recall, and expression of information. This case study of the delivery system of the Bible in mission will draw on the media ecology approach to communication study. After introducing that, the essay will examine the idea of information management as it appears in communication in general and in the Bible in particular. Next it will review some transformations in Bible delivery and finally examine some of the consequences.

Chapter of

Bible in Mission


P. Hoggarth
F. Macdonald
B. Mitchell
K. Jørgensen


Copyright © Pauline Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Bill Mitchell and Knud Jørgensen 2013. Reprinted with permission of Regnum Books International.

Included in

Communication Commons



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