Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara University


Civil Engineering


Over the past 4 years, SCU civil engineering senior design teams have traveled to Ghana to help build the community and improve their quality of life. When the 2011-2012 team arrived back at SCU after their Ghana visit, they made the current project team aware of a very visible problem. Every winter a makeshift bridge that connects the village of Gambibgo and the town of Bolgatanga is washed away due to heavy downpours of rain. As a result, the people of Gambibgo do not have access to the market, healthcare, and sometimes even school. On the site visit, a site survey was performed along with data collection. Upon the project team's return to the United States, the project team was able to gather enough data on the site visit to complete a full design of a suspended bridge. The project team is currently still in contact with the locals and government agencies in Ghana to one day build the bridge that was designed. It is the project team's hope that next year's group will pick up right where was left off and oversee the construction of the bridge that was designed.
