
Alex Avila

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2024


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Aria Amirbahman


The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) owns a biohabitat restoration site in Sunol, California titled the Sheep Camp Creek Biohabitat Restoration Site. The goal of this site is to provide habitat to endangered species and improve the environmental benefits of the area. The site is split in half by the main basin stream, which was sectioned-off as part of the restoration efforts. Three cattle crossings are still present on-site, however, to facilitate travel between either side of the site. The most downstream crossing present on-site, however, has seen detrimental erosive effects as a result of major storms that have caused the need for replacement three times in the past decade. This project conducted a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the site to determine the best crossing solution for the site at this location. The project included a point-precipitation model to provide basin-wide hydrologic information to the SFPUC, as well as existing and proposed conditions hydraulic models developed in HEC-RAS to view hydraulic effects of different crossing solutions. Finally, cost estimates and life cycle analyses were prepared for each solution. These results were then presented to the SFPUC for their review to aid future planning decisions.
