Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2024


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Tonya Nilsson

Second Advisor

Hisham Said


Addressing Nicaragua's urgent housing needs, this project transforms a conventional CMU block design into a sustainable and affordable model using local, structural bamboo and adobe plaster. It includes appropriate member size connections, local-code compliant construction drawings, cost estimation and logistics, offering an eco-friendly, affordable housing solution for local communities. The scope of this project can be emphasized with the three words from the project title which are design, sustainable & affordable. The design aspect of this project involved producing detailed architectural and engineering drawings for the housing model, incorporating structural design to ensure the safety, stability and durability of the structure. The sustainability aspect was achieved through the use of sustainable materials to reduce the overall carbon footprint, manufacturing energy and align with sustainable development goals. The construction management aspect involved cost estimation, production planning and logistics that ensure the viability for social housing initiatives. The end goal was to equip Habitat for Humanity with a sustainable and affordable design they can build-upon and serve as a foundational model to promote for future projects.
