Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Reynaude Serrette

Second Advisor

Sukhmander Singh


A new pedestrian bridge was designed adjacent to the Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose spanning across the Guadalupe River in the Downtown San Jose area. This design includes structural, geotechnical, and construction components. The architectural aspects of the bridge include two intertwined mass timber arches, galvanized steel cables, and a deck consisting of wide flange I-beams and a proprietary structural glass deck system. These features allow the bridge to seamlessly integrate into the surrounding environment as well as expose structural components of a pedestrian bridge that would otherwise be covered by a traditional bridge deck. All disciplinary components of the bridge were constructed for all relevant California building and design codes. Some assumptions for non-typical structural design components were made in order to ensure a conservative and safe design, and as such design strength values may exceed the minimum requirements outlined by the relevant design provisions. This bridge design provides both; a symbolic connection between the youth of San Jose and its larger community, as well as a corridor between private development and the Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose. The bridge design promotes engagement in civil, environmental, and sustainable engineering amongst middle and high school aged students therefore increasing participation in engineering in upper-level education. The Pedestrian Bridge for Discovery & Innovation is a landmark structure that will improve the existing site, educate the local community, and add to the character of Downtown San Jose.
