Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Thesis - SCU Access Only


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Rachel He

Second Advisor

Hisham Said


There is currently a problem with housing and overpopulation within the Bay Area. This report contains a potential solution to the housing crisis and overpopulation that will benefit residents by providing housing and a possible source of income to the client if they should pursue the project. The report consists of an introduction that dives deeper into the housing problem and a problem statement that briefly describes the universal problem and the objective of the project. Following this is the breakdown of each team member’s scope of work, leading to an alternative analysis with certain criteria and constraints that were considered. Next are the codes and regulations that the team considered for the alternative analysis and considered for the entire project. After the alternative analysis is concluded, a preliminary design is provided with explanation and visuals attached in the Appendix. An ethical decision section is defined to ensure the project remains ethical through justification of said ethical events. Following the ethical analysis section is the description of the process for creating the two dimensional (2D) site layout that can be found in the Appendix. Lastly, a construction report breakdown regarding cost, schedule, site logistics, and a BIM model to provide the reader a general sense of implementing the project is included. For all technical calculations made or visuals, please refer to the Appendix at the end of the report.

SCU Access Only

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