Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2018.



First Advisor

Prashanth Asuri

Second Advisor

Michele Parker


Our goal is to make a positive impact in the cervical cancer diagnostic space through the development of an accurate, cost effective solution that enables women in low resource settings to test for cervical cancer on a frugal and effective platform. In developed countries, we rely on regular preventive care, such as pap smears, to identify any cellular abnormalities that may indicate the disease state. However, due to the high cost and laboratory requirements of this procedure, women in low resource settings typically do not have access to this procedure. Since they are not regularly screened and often have little knowledge of cervical cancer, they are unaware of symptoms and physiological changes that mark the progression from human papillomavirus (HPV) infection to cervical cancer. Because of the seemingly benign symptoms of the disease, cervical cancer is the third most common form of cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer related death in women worldwide. There are alternative methods available to detect the presence of high grade lesions in the cervix, but these methods are invasive and difficult to accurately interpret without the presence of a medical professional. Therefore, we are attempting to create a low cost, non-invasive, cancer-specific detection system based on urinalysis biomarker assays. We hope to launch our device in conjunction with an educational program that focuses on women’s health, HPV, cervical cancer, and basic instructions for usage and interpretation of our product.
