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Purpose: Our research focuses on the question: what is the perception among librarians of the impact of lottery incentives on response rates to the LibQual+ survey? Design/Methodology/Approach: A LibQual+ incentives survey was developed by the researchers to find out why administrators do or do not offer incentives, what types of incentives are offered, and what the perception is of the impact of lottery incentives for the LibQual+ survey. The 25-item questionnaire was administered to all 124 US and Canadian (English language only) academic libraries (excluding community college) that participated in LibQual+ in 2010. Additionally, data for the LibQual+ data repository provided additional information on the 124 institutions including response rate broken down by population, potential respondent pool size, and survey used. Findings: We received a 31% response rate to the survey. While the results should be viewed with caution due to the sample, the findings are revealing in the type of advertising used, the amount and type of incentives offered, and if the LibQual+ administrators felt the incentives made an impact on their response rates. Incentives are only one variable to help increase response rate, especially among students. Based on extensive literature on incentives, alternatives are offered and suggestions made for combining different methodologies, including offered prepaid incentives. Practical implications/Value: Every LibQual+ administrator needs to determine whether they will offer an incentive(s) and if so, what kind of incentives and how much needs to be determined. Our research shows that LibQual+ administrators make the decision mainly based on past practice or a sense of competition with other surveys on campus. However, there is extensive literature on the use of incentives and what amounts can impact response rate. Our research can help LibQual+ administrators make more educated decisions about incentives before implementing LibQual+.



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