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12 - 3 PATHS TO POLITICS Dee Dee Myers '83, Gary Serda '82, and Janet Napolitano '79 have taken three decidedly different roads to political careers. By Kathy Daile-Molle '85
18 - WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Increasingly, people are finding themselves making several career transitions throughout their work lives. By Mike Brozda '76
22 - EL CENTRO: THE EYE OF THE STORM For San Jose's Hispanic community, this mental health clinic, whose counselors are primarily SCU grads, provides a respite from the turbulence of life in a strange culture. By Susan Frey
24 - THE MARRIAGE THAT WASN'T For many Catholics, annulment remains a mysterious totem of the Church's puzzling legal labyrinth. By Elizabeth Fernandez '79
28 - FINDING A HOME IN POLAND Waiting for the revolutionary dust to settle before formally analyzing the changes in Eastern Europe, political science Professor Jane Curry reflects on living in Poland as a mother and an expatriate. By Jane Curry
Publication Date
Winter 1992
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Elise Banducci
Recommended Citation
Santa Clara University, "Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 34 Number 2, Winter 1992" (1992). Santa Clara Magazine. 47.

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