
Feng Xu

Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2017.

Degree Name

Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL)


William O'Neill


This thesis demonstrates China’s water crisis and analyzes its social, economic, political, and ethical causes, in order to find a possible solution. I argue that China’s water crisis is a human crisis. Therefore, to address it, I present an inculturated moral vision. This inculturated moral vision is a combination of Confucian notion of the harmony between Heaven, Earth, and all in between, and the Catholic notion of solidarity with the poor or preferential option for the poor.

The cosmological unity or harmony with everything else is the perfection of Jen in Confucianism. Likewise, solidarity with the poor or preferential option for the poor in Catholic social teaching is the fulfillment of the second commandment “love your neighbor” and a genuine response to Jesus’ call that “just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”1 Commiseration is a very important character of the superior person in Confucianism, it draws one out to act compassionately for the sake of suffering others, including non-human beings. Charity is at the heart of Christian faith, it compels us to become good Samaritans to care for the least and the marginalized.

The cry of “the poor” and the cry of “sister water”2 in the genetic community of life are a unified plea for mercy. Care for sister water is a care for ourselves and for all generations to come. To protect a blue China and a peaceful world, Chinese people must live ethically and responsibly now.
