Silicon Valley Sociological Review


As graduating seniors, we are blessed to reflect on all that the Sociology Department has done for us in the past 4 years. Starting at Santa Clara University in 2020, we took our first round of courses completely online, including SOCI 1: Introduction to Sociology, which we unknowingly took together, especially as it was so hard to meet other students asynchronously. In Spring 2021, a few classes transitioned into a hybrid format, one of which being SOCI 35: Intro to Research Design and Methods with Professor Nichols. We were one of few students that opted into the in-person learning option, equipped with masks and 6+ feet of space between us. Professor Nichols invited us to become the Peer Educators for SOCI 35 in Fall 2021. During one of the infamous Sociology Department pizza parties that fall quarter, the faculty, including Professor Pumar, head of the department at the time, invited us to restart the Sociology Club, as it had died out before the pandemic. They reassured us that we would have the department’s support, in guidance, funding, and planning, so we accepted!



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