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8 - ARCHAEOLOGISTS OF THE CARIBBEAN By Monte Lorenzet. Eye patch and peg leg-we all know what makes a pirate. Or do we? Only recently have scientists taken a serious look at the archeology of piracy, with SCU's Russ Skowronek one of the hearties unearthing facts buried beneath centuries of myth.

12 - ARE PEOPLE GETTING CRAZIER? By Thomas G. Plante. From what the media offers every day, you can't help but think the world is going to hell in a handbasket. What's really going on? And what can we do about it?

21 - A TEACHABLE MOMENT Q&A with President Paul Locatelli, S.J. Have we moved beyond the disrespect of ethnic stereotyping? An off-campus party serves up a vivid reminder that clearly we have not.

22 - THESE ARE MY PEOPLE By Steven Boyd Saum. Photographer Dan Dion '92 confesses his addiction to comedy. Then again, nobody has photographed comics like he has.

Publication Date

Spring 2007


Santa Clara University,


Santa Clara University, Periodicals. Universities and colleges, California, Santa Clara, Periodicals.


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Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 48 Number 4, Spring 2007



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