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12 - CARING FOR AGING PARENTS As Americans live longer, children find themselves making decisions for their parents.

16 - KIDNAPPED IN BEIRUT Charles Glass '72 writes about his 62 days of captivity and his escape to freedom.

20 - A MARK OF SUCCESS Mark Alsterlind '76, living in Van Gogh's hometown, pursues his dream to be a painter.

24 - GIFT OF THE MAGUS A wise man from England brought gifts still warmly treasured by Santa Clara.

26 - IS BRAINWASHING POSSIBLE? An absorbing interview on mind control with law professor Alan Scheflin.

Publication Date

Summer 1988


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1988.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Peg Major

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 30 Number 4, Summer 1988



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