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16 - COURAGE IN THE FACE A photoessay from Haiti by Michael Lattimore. A journey to document humanitarian work by doctors in the wake of the January quake.

20 - PILGRIMAGE By Martha Stortz. Walking the Camino to Santiago de Compostela, and learning a few things along the way: about big questions, saints, direction, and feet.

28 - THE HISTORIANS An interview by Ron Hansen M.A '95. Between them, historians George Giacomini '56 and Tim O'Keefe can claim nearly a century of educating Santa Clara students. This year, both close the books on teaching in the classroom. But first they pause to reflect on the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the true. With a reading list for you.

34 - APPLY YOURSELF By Anne Federwisch. SCU alumni reach out to high school students in Los Angeles who have economic odds stacked against them. They show that Santa Clara is within reach-and they tutor kids as young as 13 to get them ready.

36 - GOOD, RAW WORK By Maggie Beidelman '09. With teens from some of the toughest schools in Boston, Kelly Knopf-Goldner '90 has spent the past six years teaching a couple basic lessons: Writing matters. And here's how you do it.

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Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 52 Number 1, Summer 2010



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