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12 - GEORGE BUSH AND THE QUESTION OF STYLE The president's campaign strategists have had Bush play up the victory in the Persian Gulf and avoid talk of much else. By Rita Beamish '74

17 - MIND OVER MONEY Challenging accepted notions about how to make money in the stock market through research on the psychology of investing. By Kathryn Bold '81

20 - STRESS: THE DEMOCRATIC AILMENT From bricklayers to stock brokers, everyone is susceptible to stress. By Elizabeth Fernandez '79

24 - CHARLES LAMPKIN: ON THE LONG ROAD Remembering the actor and music man who was SCU's artist-inresidence from 1969- 1981. By James Torrens, S.J.

26 - HISPANIC CALIFORNIANS AND CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION A look at the personal diaries of a Hispanic student who attended Santa Clara from 1857- 1864. By Gerald McKevin, S.J.

Publication Date

Summer 1991


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Elise Banducci

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 33 Number 4, Summer 1991



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