
Ishan Sandhu

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - SCU Access Only


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2024


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

David Anastasiu


This project aimed to develop a web application to improve communication and engagement within university clubs at Santa Clara University (SCU). The need for this project emerged from the limitations of current methods used at SCU for disseminating club information, especially outside of club fairs, and the inadequacies of existing platforms like the Registered Student Organization (RSO) webpage like information upkeep and clarity. Furthermore, the project seeks to establish a web app that unifies these solutions with club management capabilities all on one platform.

My approach involved conducting a comprehensive survey to understand the needs of SCU students and club organizers. The insights gained from this research informed the development of my web application, though we also pulled from robust research on various topics to acquire an understanding of the state-of-the-art solutions in web application development such as the latest frameworks in regards to web design, security risks and standard protections, considerations for web application development, authorization, accessibility, and usability. The development process focused on iterative design and development. A significant emphasis was placed on creating an intuitive and accessible user interface to ensure a positive user experience.

The application has significantly improved the visibility and accessibility of club activities, leading to increased student participation and engagement. It has also addressed the issue of outdated information, providing a reliable and up-to-date source for club-related events and contacts. Furthermore, those in RSO management positions are now able to curate their club in a consistent, yet easily customizable fashion. The development of this web application not only enhances the sense of community at SCU but also serves as a model for other educational institutions seeking to improve student engagement in extracurricular activities.
